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Goma: ‘We pray that the Lord will put an end to this war’.

Interview with Father Giresse, bursar of Goma At the heart of a regional conflict that has been going on for three decades, the town of Goma in ...
AfricaCommunity life

Rugamba family: closure of the diocesan phase of the beatification process

Further progress in the beatification process of the Rugamba family: on 23 September 2021, their file was sealed and sent to Rome, marking the end of the ...

Volunteering: Fidesco sends 4 volunteers to France!

Fidesco also sends volunteers to France. On Thursday 30 September 2021, the second promotion of these volunteers from the South coming to help in the North was ...

A look back at the episcopal ordination of Bishop José Likolo of Lisala

Appointed Bishop of Lisala on 15 February, Bishop José Likolo, a priest of Kinshasa and a member of the Emmanuel Community, was ordained on Saturday 29 May ...
AfricaCommunity life

Mgr Joseph-Bernard Likolo named bishop of Lisala (R.D.C.)

Great joy! The Holy Father has appointed Joseph-Bernard Likolo, priest of the Emmanuel Community, ordained for the diocese of Kinshasa, bishop of the diocese of Lisala (Democratic ...

Integral ecology – Two answers of the Emmanuel Community to Laudato Si encyclical

At the end of 2020, 5 years after the Encyclical Laudato Si publication, Pope Francis declared a Laudato Si year. It is time for us to see ...
#Young adultsAfrica

“At the Synod, I saw a Church listening to young people”

Throwback Thursday! Almost a year ago, an International Youth Forum was held in Rome, Desfortunées, a young adult from Cameroon, tells “Il est Vivant” about her amazing ...
AfricaCause of Beatification

Today, April 7th, we commemorate the death anniversary of Cyprien and Daphrose Rugamba

“Murumve twana twanjye nabaraze urukundo” * “Listen my children, my legacy to you is love!” *Murumve twana twanjye nabaraze urukundo” or “Listen my children, my legacy to ...
AfricaCause of Beatification

April 7th marked the 25th death anniversary of Cyprien and Daphrose Rugamba

 “Murumve twana twanjye nabaraze urukundo” * “Listen my children, my legacy to you is love!”
AfricaCommunity life

Ivory Coast: Silver Jubilee of the Emmanuel Community

Last December 8, 2018, the Emmanuel Community in the Ivory Coast, celebrated its Silver Jubilee. The Bishop particularly touched hearts with his words of thanks and acknowledgement ...
AfricaCommunity life

Rwanda: hosts the 1st international trip of the General Moderator

In the heart of Africa, where the Virgin appeared several times in Kibého, the General Moderator will have been able to measure the missionary dynamism, the fraternal ...