What to do in case of sexual abuse, abuse of power or abuse of conscience?
If you have been the victim of sexual violence (touching, assault, rape, etc.), abuse of power or abuse of conscience, particularly in the context of activities organised by the Emmanuel Community or by one of its members (priest or lay person), we encourage you to contact people who can listen to you and help you. All victims have the right to bring the violence they have suffered to the attention of the courts. You can go to the relevant authority to lodge a complaint. You can also get help from professionals who can listen and help you.
There are suitable organisations that are independent of the Catholic Church. There are also listening units within dioceses and, in some countries, organisations that act in the name of the Church but are completely independent.
If you wish, you can contact the Commission for the Prevention of and Fight against Abuse of the Emmanuel Community. To do so, please make contact by email: ecoutevictime@emmanuelco.org. Your email will be read by one of its members, who will contact you to arrange a listening session. Please be assured of our full support in your efforts.
If you would like any information or have any questions, please contact the Commission for the Prevention of and Fight against Abuse : cpla@emmanuelco.org
Our rules and procedures
Download our rules and procedures
to guarantee protection
minors and vulnerable persons
(Update september 2022)