"Present in several sensitive places in our society (youth, peripheries, rural areas, cities), the priests of Emmanuel are called to serve from the heart of the Church, at the crossroads of its hierarchical and charismatic dimensions.
Rooted in several dioceses, collaborating with their bishop, they share a common charism of adoration, compassion, and evangelization with their brothers and sisters lay and consecrated, of the Emmanuel Community.
Living in fraternities of several priests, they are primarily in parish missions, close to couples and families, chaplains to young people and students, or trainers of seminarians, theology teachers, or hospital or prison chaplains.
Their priestly vocation is original: at once community and diocesan, local and transversal, missionary, singular and Catholic! From the Heart of Jesus, they receive the living water and the fire of the Holy Spirit to live their pastoral mission with joy and creativity amid the challenges of our contemporary world, which is at once beautiful, wounded and called to salvation."