He did the school of Evangelization in Paray in 1989. From 1990 to 1993, he studied philosophy at the House of Saint Joseph in Namur, Belgium.
After doing his Dutch military service, Guido studied law in Nijmegen. He now works as a jurist responsible for writing documents in the domain of immigration law. He currently lives in Eindhoven.

Guido felt the call to become a consecrated brother during the school of evangelization. He was eighteen at the time. But his heart was pulled back and forth for twenty years. He had a number of girlfriends, but would each time break off the relationship and once again approach the brothers.
At a certain moment, Guido confronted God. Here are his own words. “I was tired of meandering. I was unsure of the state of life God had in mind for me. I longed for a definitive answer. An answer I could not doubt. So, I urged God to give me that answer. I went on retreat. And God gave me that clear answer. But it still took a few more years for me to fully respond to his call. And I finally did, in the deepest part of my self. In that lonely existential place. There where I stood alone. There where I discovered I was free to choose.”
From this moment on, Guido felt more and more empowered to actively respond to God’s call in his life. Let us give thanks together for Guido’s vocation; a gift of God for all of us.