“God alone is enough”: to live as a consecrated woman in the Emmanuel Community

I give myself to Christ and his merciful love

Last October 27, three of our Consecrated sisters made their First Commitment (three years) in Consecrated Life, one sister made her Final Commitment.

For women, celibacy for the Kingdom is a call to spousal love and to a total self-giving to the person of Christ. They reply to this spousal love by the disinterested offering of their lives. Through the action of the Holy Spirit they attempt to become “one with the spirit” with Christ the Bridegroom (1Co 6:17), so as to better welcome the Father’s will. By this self-giving they show to all the “God alone suffices” (St Therese of Avila).

First commitments:

“In reply to the Lord’s call, I offer myself to Christ and to His merciful love, for the evangelization of the world and the service of the Church. Therefore, I commit myself for three years in celibacy for the Kingdom, in the Emmanuel Community and the Fraternity of Jesus.”

  • Clémence (Bondy, France) – child care assistant
  • Katarzyna (Warsaw, Poland) – professor
  • Manon (Cologne, Germany) – occupational therapist

Usually, persons committed in celibacy for the Kingdom have a working life. They are attentive to do their work in a competent way and to receive the training required for this, for this, for the common good and to the glory of God. They do their work inspired by the evangelical love and special life of union with Christ that their commitment in celibacy for the Kingdom implies.

Final commitment:

“Father Most Holy, I give you thanks for the celibacy for the Kingdom that you have made to me. One with Jesus, I offer myself to you, to do your will, and I commit myself definitively in celibacy for the Kingdom, in the Emmanuel Community and the Fraternity of Jesus.”

Odile (Bois Colombe, France) – school teacher

As a sign of this spousal love they wear a ring, given to them at the moment of their definitive commitment in celibacy for the Kingdom. As is signified by the cross received at the beginning of their journey in celibacy, union to Christ is both the source of fruitfulness of their whole lives.

Become a witness of these commitments:

Brothers and sisters, you are called to consistently support those who commit themselves to celibacy for the Kingdom. Do you want to honor them and support them in their commitment?

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