I work as a nurse with autistic children who suffer serious problems with regard to relationships and communication. I consider my work as a special gift, which gives me, by its very nature, the opportunity to approach very intimately the people who are hurt by this illness, in order to understand and relieve their sufferings.
I do this as a consecrated woman, invited and impelled in my whole being to make known to Everyone the infinite love of the Father. I do this relying on my intimate life with the Lord which I experience every day in prayer. I’m also carried by the life with my brothers and sisters in the Community and our daily mission in the World which God loves so much, and which He wants to save.
I’ve always been amazed to discover the Face of Jesus in the ‘Passion‘ of the sick people and those who suffer. In my work, this is especially true because they are children. I’m touched in my being as a women and ‘mother’. I meet Christ each day in welcoming these children and teaching them patiently, in tenderness and joy, to enter the relational world which frightens them so much.
The Word of God is my daily nourishment. It reminds me of the essence of my work and life, especially when difficulties, powerlessness and discouragement overwhelm me. Taking a child he placed him in their midst and putting his arms around him he said to them, “Whoever receives one child such as this in my name, receives me…”
In the gift of my consecrated life, the Lord comes to help me in unexpected ways that add a special touch to my professional competence, which is so often lacking with regard to suffering! I have been so often ‘taught’ and amazed by His Presence, that I have a profound joy and a great hope for each child. Their suffering and their innocence are for me a faithful icon of Christ in his Paschal Mystery. Beyond suffering and death there is Resurrection and his resplendent Life.