Lent with Pierre Goursat -Day7

With the help of Pierre Goursat, founder of the Emmanuel Community, let us move forward together during this Lenten Season

Throughout Lent, let us ask Pierre  Words of advice to help us follow Jesus …

“The love of Christ urges us on.”

Jesus Himself comes to love in us, He gives us His Heart to love with Him. We receive His compassionate Love. And the compassion of Jesus “opens our eyes” to the needs and the suffering of those around us, but also to the suffering of Christ Himself “whose Love is not loved”.

More and more, we enter into His Heart. There are sufferings that are really terrible, but what’s even more terrible is love … And it is a consuming fire: that is what we must ask for. Ask the Lord to increase our faith and give us this compassionate charitable love for one another. We experience all this in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. It really is a secret of His Heart that He gives us.

So our hearts, united to the Heart of Christ, open wide to the whole world.

(During Adoration) it’s a great joy for us to know that the Lord is with us. But then, while He is with us, He is also in us and we are all with Him. And all the suffering in the world and all the people who are suffering, who are despairing … well, not despairing, but are suffering very much, well, the Lord is with them. So much so that, when we adore the Lord, we share and suffer with every suffering: His own sufferings, and all the sufferings of others, especially those that are not offered up. Lots of people […] do not know why they are suffering and often even rebel. And in the compassion of Adoration, we must say to the Lord: “Look, we are praying for those who do not pray to You, and who do not know how to pray to You.”

That’s why I am telling you this very seriously. You really must pray saying: Lord, show Yourself to me, make Yourself known to me, set me ablaze, set me on fire, consume me with Your Love, so we can set the world on fire.

Excerpts from:    Martine Catta  “Words of Pierre Goursat” p 113; 114

Watch the film “Pierre Goursat and the Emmanuel Community” (52 minutes – subtitled in 14 languages)


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