This Family Year Amoris Laetitia is very concrete reflected in the Pope’s prayer intentions. With a particular focus on youth, his prayer intention for June is for young people preparing for marriage.
Let us pray for young people who are preparing for marriage with the support of a Christian community: may they grow in love, with generosity, faithfulness and patience.
Praying the rosary together: a daring proposal!
“A lovely gift! Engaged couples will be able to obtain a plenary indulgence until 8 December 2021 by reciting the rosary and fulfilling the other conditions (confession, Eucharistic communion, prayers for the Holy Father’s intentions: Our Father, Hail Mary).
In the Family Year Amoris Laetitia, it is providential that Saint Joseph proposes that the engaged couple pray together, turning with trust and love to Mary, his most gentle wife. It is why we are making available to everyone a Rosary designed especially for engaged couples, with reflections and prayers dedicated to them. “