Haiti: in the face of chaos, “keep on sowing love”.

Clinging to the cross of Christ, Guerda bears witness to her faith.

It’s a war without a name. And yet the figures are there: in Port-au-Prince, more than 4,500 people have died since the start of 2024, according to the UN, and more than 40,000 people were displaced between 11 and 20 November alone, a total of 700,000 people. More than 80% of the Haitian capital is under the control of gangs, responsible for major drug trafficking. Without a president since 2021, Haiti is suffering the consequences of decades of chronic political instability.

Behind the figures, there are people, faces. Guerda is one of them, as we have already told you in Emmanuel Actu. Even today, she bears witness to her faith. Without denying the trials and suffering, she expresses her hope. In the face of intensifying violence, she proclaims the Lord’s faithfulness. We entrust her and the Haitian people to your fervent prayers.

‘Since 17 October, gangs have been gaining ground in Port-au-Prince. They now control more than 80% of the city. Last month, we suffered a great deal of violence. In the Solinola district, where a large part of my family lived, all the houses were looted and then set on fire by these armed men. In the days that followed, my brother and I, who live not far from me, took in 19 members of my family. They included my 91-year-old mother and 5 brothers and sisters.

At my place, where I used to live alone, there are now between 14 and 15 of us trying to live together. We’re organising as best we can…

For the last few days, an apparent calm seems to have returned. Some schools have been able to reopen. Not the one I work in.

We were very saddened by the violence that overwhelmed us. My family lost everything. Mum had lived in the same house for over 50 years. Children, grandchildren, we all had many memories of the neighbourhood. Years of work have been wiped out. Today, we have to cram together to sleep.

"The Lord has given us the grace of being alive, and that is the most precious thing we have."

But we are a Christian family and despite our different faiths, we pray every morning and every evening because we believe that the Lord has not abandoned us. He has given us the grace of being alive until now, and that’s the most precious thing we have. This is our prayer: ‘Lord, we know that you are there, that you care for us despite the difficulties. Because you give us the ability to stay together and to have a space that welcomes us, in my home. We know that you always want what’s best for us, even in the suffering we experience and go through.’

‘Continue to sow the seeds of love around us’.

With my brothers and sisters in the Emmanuel Community, of which I am a member, we often ask ourselves, as Christians, what we could do to change the situation… We realise that the source of all disorder is the absence of love. So we have set ourselves the goal of continuing to sow this love all around us.

Of course, we are afraid, sometimes very afraid. Of course we question our faith and God himself. And yet, despite our fears and doubts, we try to bear witness to the unfailing presence of God, who loves us and wants good for us.

Personally, I lean on this quotation: ‘My God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference’.

Although our community life is difficult to live, we emphasise fraternal life, checking in with each other as often as possible. We ask the Lord for the grace to keep faith and hope so that we can taste God’s joy!

‘God has called us to unconditional joy!’

About ten days ago, we were able to have a community meeting: just 10 brothers and sisters. We shared, exchanged news and prayed for each other and for all our brothers and sisters who would have liked to come but fear or difficulties prevented them from being with us. We also gave a lot of praise, and during the praise, the Lord spoke to us. He called us very clearly to unconditional joy and not to be afraid.

This community meeting was a great source of comfort. Together, we are stronger to believe, to hope and also to act. Together, we can more easily feel the presence of God at work.

It’s true that difficulties come in all shapes and sizes. It’s true that the worries and uncertainties are immense. It’s also true that we sometimes feel our faith weakening. We are with Jesus on the Cross. Yet a smile, a word, a prayer are enough to rekindle the flame of hope. Doesn’t the Word proclaim: ‘Nothing will separate us from the love of Christ’?

It is from the Word that we draw our strength, particularly the strength to dare to make plans. I belong to a choir. We have 37 members, including 9 brothers and sisters from the community. We have planned a concert for 5 January. We are entrusting this concert to your prayers because we need security to organise the rehearsals and give the concert without risk. It’s such a joy to sing for the Lord!

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