Carlo Acutis, known as the cyber-apostle of the Eucharist, will be beatified on 10 October 2020! His body can be venerated from the beginning of October in the Sanctuary of the Strip of Assisi (Italy).

The three sources of inspiration on Carlos life, according to fr.Will Conquer ( author of the book Carlos Acutis, a geek in heaven)
Evangelisation begins in the family. The Acutis family is a family that breathes faith. This has not always been the case. It is hard to imagine Carlo’s mother far from the pews of the church, she who lives and breathes with the breath of the Spirit. His father, who is so discreet, admits that Carlo has, on many occasions, pushed him around and that he still pushes him around today, urging him to continue to bear witness to his faith. It is however, the testimony of his cousin that has enlightened me more. We all have a cousin who has lost his faith. Flavia was that one. She remembers her beloved cousin who insisted on going to Mass every day without ever forcing anyone. After the death of her cousin, she gradually distanced herself from Christ and the Church. Today she is part of that Milanese generation that is rediscovering the joy of the Gospel and Carlo has a lot to do with this.
Evangelisation begins now. Carlo did not wait to look at Heaven like the disciples after the Ascension. All his youth he put it at the service of his greatest project: to become a saint. His sanctification passes through evangelisation. He died without being able to attend the inauguration of his exhibition. So much effort in vain? Quite the contrary. From Heaven, he must rejoice to see all the good that his work continues to do on Earth. It is the call of all baptised to become missionary disciples, and Carlo did not wait the years to answer this call.
Evangelisation begins here. We might dream of going on a humanitarian mission, of volunteering with the MEP or Fidesco. Nevertheless, you will not be a missionary on the other side of the world if you do not know how to be a missionary on the corner of your street. Carlo believes in an evangelisation of proximity that begins with the poor person he meets on the other side of the street. It goes through all the people he meets without necessarily thinking that God loves them; like the special affection Carlo had for a domestic worker of Hindu origin called Rajesh. Carlo’s simplicity of heart and his joyful testimony, as well as the simple answers to his questions about the life of Jesus, will help Rajesh to become a Christian. And if through the Internet Carlo can reach people far away from him and the Church, he remembers that before becoming a place of mission, the Internet, on which we spend so much time today, must first of all be a possible place for our sanctification. Can one be holy with a mobile phone in one’s hand? Carlo will tell you yes. ¨
Published by the the French magazine “He is risen” (Il est vivant)