PIERRE GOURSAT (1914-1991)
Founder of the Emmanuel Community
Who is Pierre Goursat ?
Pierre Goursat (1914-1991) was a humble layman who was both a contemplative and a man of action. He converted at the age of 19, and he burned with love for Christ, compassion for the poor, and zeal for evangelization ever since.
Passionate about culture, he worked in the film industry. He was 58 years old when he experienced the “outpouring of the Spirit” in 1972 and founded the Emmanuel Community. Animated by great charity, he gave rise to numerous apostolic initiatives. In the impetus of Vatican II, he contributed to the formation of a new generation of lay people and priests serving the Church. He was a pioneer of the “new evangelization.”
He retired in 1985 from the government of the Community, spending the last years of his life in silence and adoration. He died on 25 March 1991.
Cardinal Lustiger presided at his funeral and paid tribute to the man in whom he had admired “how the Lord had opened the way for him, and how he had known how to respond to it.” Since then, Pierre Goursat has continued to help people beyond Emmanuel to turn towards God and live as apostles of Christ in the world.
With the agreement of Cardinal André Vingt-Trois, Archbishop of Paris, the cause for the canonisation of Pierre Goursat was officially introduced in January 2010. An important step was taken on Saturday 19 December 2015: the diocesan phase was officially closed during a ceremony open to all in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Paris.
Perhaps it will be declared
one day ?
A cause for canonisation has been opened and is currently being studied in Rome.
They testify
"Nothing is impossible to God"
Testimony of Guillaume and Astrid
Pierre Goursat (1914-1991) was a humble layman who was both a When I shared this news with the Emmanuel Community, (…) the couple in charge told me to entrust myself to Pierre Goursat, whose centenary of birth was being celebrated on the same day!
«We already had two boys when I learned that we were expecting a happy event. On Saturday, 12 July 2014, at the 34th-week check-up, the gynecologist talked a lot about the ultrasound, which seemed to show femurs that had stopped growing since the 30th week. On Thursday, 17 July at 8 am, the doctor received us and explained that, given the results of the two ultrasounds, there was a strong probability that the child was carrying a genetic problem. [The due date was] 15 August. When I shared this news with the Emmanuel Community, which had supported us throughout the pregnancy, especially during the last trimester, the couple in charge told me to entrust me to Pierre Goursat, the founder of the Community. His birth centenary would be celebrated on the same day! My husband and I immediately decided that Augustin would be named after Pierre, and we too entrusted our child and the delivery to Pierre Goursat. The cesarean section went well. Following the usual birth tests, the pediatrician turned to my husband and said: “Everything seems to be working. I don’t need to do any more tests at this stage. Today, Augustin, James, Peter, is 15 months old and has just taken his first steps.»
I have offered you this suffering for 3 years but now I would like to be replaced in this offering.
« Our daughter Valerie lived in the community and the fraternity from 10 until she was 20. She was shaped by Peter and loved him very much; she met him quite frequently. In December 1994, she called me and said: “Mum, you have to pray with Dad because we have been married for three years and we wanted a child right away, but nothing came of it. We went after Christmas to the retreat of the Fraternity of Jesus at Paray-le-Monial, and before leaving Paray we went to pray at Peter’s tomb, asking him to intercede so that a child would be given to them before the end of the year. Valerie said to the Lord: “I have offered you this suffering for three years for all the mothers who have recourse to abortion, but now I would like to be replaced in this offering. This is how Pierre was born on January 17, 1995, of the following year… »
I turned to Pierre Goursat and made a novena to ask for his intercession.
« Gaëlle is a young mother of 35 who lived a childhood and adolescence with her grandmother (divorced parents) without being evangelized. She lost her first baby, Lilian, stillborn. She then had an abortion of a malformed child with a severe handicap. Knowing these events, I turned to Pierre Goursat and made a novena to ask for his intercession. During my visits to Paray-le-Monial, I prayed at Pierre’s tomb and renewed this prayer during the group prayer for mothers in my village. How happy I was to learn of the birth of Pierre in this young home on 7 July 2015. I sincerely believe that Pierre Goursat is not a stranger to this much-hoped-for happiness. »
The next day, I realize that if Pierre Goursat had not been there, I would not have gone up to save my son in the middle of the night.
« There is this dream I had one night. I see my son Thomas, accompanied by Pierre Goursat, who comes to tell me: “Mom, [my brother] Pierre is not well. Sleeping on the house’s ground floor and the children on the second floor, I listen without further concern. And it is at this moment that I realize the presence of Pierre Goursat and ask myself why. It was to wake me up, which I did. I went up to see my son Pierre and found him choking on a very violent asthma attack. He couldn’t call out. Given the urgency and being a doctor myself, I gave my son Ventolin and corticosteroids, which ended the episode. My son said to me a few moments later: “That’s it, Mum, I’m breathing! The next day, I realize that if Pierre Goursat had not been there, I would not have gone up to save my son in the middle of the night. »
I cry out to Heaven: “Lord, give me a sign !”
« In May 2015, our Fraternity decided to acquire a beautiful property to make it a place for formation, meeting, and welcome for the poorest. In August, the fundraising begins. On September 8th, we paid €30,000 for signing the sales agreement, with the acquisition to be paid in half, i.e., €300,000 on December 8th, 2015 (signing of the sale). However, at the beginning of November 2015, the primary donor recuses himself. How could I find €200,000 in three weeks? On November 12th, I shouted to Heaven: “Lord, give me a sign! On the 12th, I have received the invitation for December 19th, in Paris for the Cause of our friend, Pierre Goursat. Immediately, I telephoned Elisabeth at Chézelles to ask her for pictures of Pierre with the prayer for his beatification. On November 18th, I received these prayers and distributed them to the members of the Fraternity. We began the Novena. On November 22nd, a lady, an adorer, stopped me at the end of Mass. She gave me an envelope. Inside was a cheque for €150,000, deposited and cashed on November 27th, 2015. »
I usually entrust all important things to Pierre’s discernment because of his great charism of discernment.
« I usually entrust all essential things to Pierre’s discernment because of his great charism of discernment. […] I heard about a job offer as an educator from an association that runs homes for young girls in great difficulty. […] And as this job combines everything I have always wanted, I sent a CV and a covering letter. I went to Pierre Goursat’s grave to give him this intention and asked him for a concrete sign. The very second my phone rang, the president of the association called me for an interview. »
And you ?
Send us your testimonies dated and signed to the following address :
Postulation de Pierre Goursat,
Maison de Chézelles
6 place de la Mairie,
37220 Chézelles - FRANCE
Prayer for the beatification
Lord Jesus, we pray for the beatification of Pierre Goursat.
Inspired by a fervent desire for the salvation of souls
and a great love for the Church,
he worked with faith and hope for the Church’s spiritual and apostolic renewal.
Lord, through his intercession,
grant us the grace of trusting you fully,
serving you generously and doing your will.
Give us a heart which is open
to adoration and overflowing
with compassion for all people.
Set us ablaze with fire and love for the evangelisation of the world.
We pray in a particular way, we entrust to you
Lord Jesus,
to those who are far from you
or who do not yet know you,
we ask you to reveal the infinite love
of your meek and gentle Heart.
Livres et revues
Pierre Goursat, words, by Martine Catta, Editions de l’Emmanuel
Prier 15 jours avec Pierre Goursat, du Père Francis Kohn, postulateur (Editions Nouvelle cité)
Fire and Hope, d’Hervé-Marie Catta and Bernard Peyrous, Editions de l’Emmanuel
Pierre Goursat, tout simplement, le mook d’Il est vivant! (2014)
Je ne commencerai pas sans toi. Un portrait de Pierre Goursat, de Pierre-Marie Chaboche, aux éditions Salvator (2018)
Pierre Goursat, Le feu de l’Esprit Saint, du Père Francis Kohn, aux Éditions Le Livre ouvert (2019)
Paroles de Pierre Goursat classées par thèmes (PDF)